I am trying to figure out how my boat was designed. It is a odd design and only built 1 year. What it looks to be is an almost exact hull of the Formula 233 hull. My boat is a 1972 Formula 190 and it looks to be a Formula 233 hull that they put a block in the mold and reduced the side height which would have made a smaller boat. The hull looks to be exactly the same, with the shorter sides, which would change all the overall dimensions but not the hull and running surface. Could I trouble someone to help me solve or dispell the mystery. I need someone with a Formula to take a few measurements of your transom, from the outside. The measurement I could use is the width of your transom, if you were going to lay a tape measure on the top of transom bump out from left to right. I think this measurement will give me some information about the hull similarities. I measured my boat and it is 89" wide at that point. Thanks in advance for your help.