Hello I have been dealing with a stalling problem since last season. At this point I have narrowed the problem to ignition troubles.
I have: changed points, condenser, plugs, wires, dist. Cap, resistance wire.
During my previous posts these were some of the suggested replies in addition to fuel issues. Therefore I completely went over the fuel system, filters, tank p/u tubes, water in the gas, proper tank venting, fuel pressure etc even ran using auxiliary tanks – no change in performance. Recently, I double checked the for proper timing using a light, noticed the spark was sort of inconsistent this lead me to my concerns about my ignition system.
Currently I am not getting a spark from the ignition coil (it’s very hot). I would just change the coil but I’ve done that before while it was in “stall mode” with absolutely no better result i.e. the engine would start but once in gear it would cut off. So now my concern is why are the coils burning out? Am I using the proper coils for this engine…I did purchase them from a marine supplier. In addition, if this is a 12v coil which needs an external resistance wire, then why when the resistance wire is cold it allows 12v to the coil + terminal? These 12v are in addition to the 12 coming from the slave solenoid at start up/cranking… do you need both voltages for start up with a 12v coil? Once the motor has started the resistance wire reduces the voltage going to the + side of the coil to 6 volts the boat will run for apprx. 30 minutes and then shut down until cool off period ends. I think I’m burning out coils, but I don’t know why! HELP PLEASE!