Formula 233 Registry

The premier site for owners of the famous 233.

what´s make special this model? is the same thunderbird and formula?

Hi i bought a thunderbird boat on a junk, i replace and make it work the power engine and stinger outdrive,trims and everithing that was damaged, my question is what makes this a great boat?

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The 233 Formula hull is known for it's exceptional strength and seaworthiness. You will find that it will ride very well in rough seas. The Formula name came from the original builder Don Aronow. He sold Formula to Thunderbird Products. The 233 was still being produced into the early 80's. The hull molds were then sold to an Australian company called Edencraft Boats were it is still being produced.
Its a pleasure David, when i bought this boat in my mind was the idea "FIX IT,SELL IT,and BUY A BETTER BOAT" it was on a pile of trash as some one sell it the trailer to the scrap metal and left the boat to be burned and recycle the fiberglass, with this info and this great site i will keep the boat because i think i will not find a better boat for my boating style or preference ( sometime diving,fishing and cruise on the pacific ocean and gulf waters) thanks will still working on this boat will name it FENIX AS HE RETURN FROM THE JUNK
Roberto, you will find this boat to be perfect for your boating. Good luck with your project, you have found a great boat.
Thanks i see the web site, i never suspect
i have a new question, how about the life of the boat, how long the resin will hold the glass and still flex i think this is a 1978 boat
I have a 1978 that I refurbished in about 1994. At that time I had the bottom of the hull repaired due to some stress cracks. It is solid to this day. They are very strong so I don't see why it won't last another 30 years. The wood is usually the problem so if the transom and stringers are strong now I think you are in good shape. Of course, if they are bad they can be repaired but it's a big job.
All the wood is ok as we live in a dry place, i remove the fuel tank and was dry under it, i replace the transom seal (omc seal) and was solid wood and in the engine area. just the seat base was soft, but just that area.
Thank´s for your help is very usefull and thanks for the link




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